Source code for broker

#! /usr/bin/env python
Defines the broker class which can interact with a ddmq directory.
You define a broker by supplying at least a root directory, for example

>>> import ddmq

>>> b ='../temp/ddmq', create=True)
>>> print(b)
create = True
default_settings = {'priority': 999, 'requeue': True, 'requeue_prio': 0, 'message_timeout': 600, 'cleaned': 0}
global_settings = {'priority': 999, 'requeue': True, 'requeue_prio': 0, 'message_timeout': 600, 'cleaned': 0}
queue_settings = {}
root = ../temp/ddmq

>>> b.publish('queue_name', "Hello World!")
filename = queue_name/999.1.ddmq89723438b9d0403c91943f4ffaf8ba35
id = 89723438b9d0403c91943f4ffaf8ba35
message = Hello World!
priority = 999
queue = queue_name
queue_number = 123456782356356256566
requeue = False
requeue_counter = 0
requeue_limit = None
timeout = None

>>> msg = b.consume('queue_name')
filename = 1539702458.999.1.ddmq89723438b9d0403c91943f4ffaf8ba35
id = 89723438b9d0403c91943f4ffaf8ba35
message = Hello World!
priority = 999
queue = queue_name
queue_number = 1234567823561341341356
requeue = False
requeue_counter = 0
requeue_limit = None
timeout = None

>>> print(msg.message)
Hello World!


# if python2
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
except NameError:
    FileNotFoundError = IOError

# import standard modules
import os
import uuid
import json
import time
import fnmatch
import logging as log
import re
import errno

# import extra modules
import yaml
    from .message import message
except ValueError:
    from message import message

# from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer
# Tracer()()

version = "0.9.14"

[docs]class DdmqError(Exception): """ Helper class to raise custom errors """ def __init__(self, message, error): """ Initialize a DdmqError object Args: message: error message error: error code Returns: None """ self.message = message self.error = error
[docs]class broker: """ Class to interact with messaging queues """ def __init__(self, root, create=False, verbose=False, debug=False): """ Initialize a broker object at a specified root directory. If the create flag is set to True it will create the directories needed if they are missing Args: root: path to the root directory where the queues are located create: if True, all missing folders will be created without throwing errors verbose: verbose logging to screen debug: even more verbose logging to screen Returns: None """ # logging if verbose: log.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s:\t%(message)s", level=log.INFO)"Verbose output.") if debug: log.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s:\t%(message)s", level=log.DEBUG) log.debug("Debug output.") log.debug('Initializing broker object') # settings self.default_settings = { 'message_timeout': 600, # the time in seconds after publishing a message expires 'cleaned':0, # epoch timestamp when a queue was last cleaned 'priority':999, # default message priority when published 'requeue':True, # True if messages that are nacked are to be requeued, False will delete them 'requeue_prio': 0, # the priority requeued messages will have (0 = top priority) } self.global_settings = {} self.queue_settings = {} # make sure the root dir is initiated if self.check_dir(root, only_conf=True): self.create = create self.root = root self.global_settings = self.default_settings.copy() self.global_settings.update(self.get_config_file()) else: # if it should be created if create: self.create = create self.root = root self.global_settings = self.default_settings.copy() # create the root folder if needed and initiate the config file if not os.path.isdir(root): self.create_folder(root) open(os.path.join(root, 'ddmq.yaml'), 'w').close() open(os.path.join(root, 'ddmq.yaml.example'), 'w').write(yaml.dump(self.default_settings, default_flow_style=False)) else: if not os.path.isdir(root): raise DdmqError("Root folder missing!", "missing") else: raise DdmqError("Root folder uninitiated!", "uninitiated") def __repr__(self): """ Print the basic options of the broker object Args: None Returns: a str that represents the broker object """ log.debug('Printing a broker object') # go throguh the variables and collect their names and values text = "" for key,val in sorted(self.__dict__.items()): text += '{} = {}{}'.format(key,val,os.linesep) return text.rstrip() ##### ####### ####### ####### ### # # ##### ##### # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### ##### # # # # # # # #### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # ##### ####### # # ### # # ##### #####
[docs] def get_config_file(self, queue=''): """ Get the settings from the config file of a queue or the root dir Args: queue: if empty, returns the config file from the root folder. If a queue name, will get the config file for that queue Returns: A dict containing all the settings specified in the config file """ log.debug('Reading config file {}'.format(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'ddmq.yaml'))) with open(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'ddmq.yaml'), 'r') as settings_handle: conf = yaml.load(settings_handle, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) if not conf: return {} return conf
[docs] def get_settings(self, queue): """ Get the settings for the specified queue. Will try to give a cached version first, and if it is the first time the settings are requested it will read the settings from the config file and store the result Args: queue: name of the queue to get settings for Returns: None """ log.debug('Updating settings from config file {}'.format(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'ddmq.yaml'))) try: return self.queue_settings[queue] except KeyError: # must be the first time the queue settings are requested, fetch them from file and store for later with open(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'ddmq.yaml'), 'r') as fh: queue_settings = yaml.load(fh, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) self.queue_settings[queue] = self.global_settings.copy() self.queue_settings[queue].update(queue_settings) return self.queue_settings[queue]
[docs] def update_settings_file(self, queue='', package={}): """ Update the settings in a config file for a specified queue or in the root dir Args: queue: if empty, change the config in the root folder. If a queue name, will change the config for that queue package: a dict containging the changes to the config file Returns: None """ config_path = os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'ddmq.yaml') log.debug('Updating config file {}'.format(config_path)) # load the current config file current_settings = self.get_config_file(queue=queue) # update and write the new with open(config_path+'.intermediate', 'w') as settings_handle: current_settings.update(package) settings_handle.write(yaml.dump(current_settings, default_flow_style=False)) # replace the old settings file with the new os.rename(config_path+'.intermediate', config_path)
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[docs] def clean(self, queue, force=False): """ Clean out expired message from a specified queue Args: queue: name of the queue to clean Returns: True if everything goes according to plan, False if no cleaning was done """ # only proceede if enough time as passed since last cleaning, unless forced if not force and (not self.queue_settings[queue]['cleaned'] < int(time.time())-60): return False'Cleaning {}'.format(queue)) # load the queue's settings self.get_settings(queue) # list all files in queues work folder # try: messages = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work')), '*.ddmq*') # for each message file for msg_filename in messages: # handle messages that have expired msg_expiry_time = int(msg_filename.split('.')[0]) if msg_expiry_time < int(time.time()): # construct the file path msg_filepath = os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work', msg_filename) try: # load the message from the file msg = self.get_message(msg_filepath) except (FileNotFoundError, IOError) as e: # race conditions could cause files being removed since the listdir was run print("Warning: while cleaning, message file {} was missing. This could be due to another process operating on the queue at the same time. It should be pretty rare, so if it happens often it could be some other problem causing it.".format(msg_filepath)) continue # requeue if it should be if msg.requeue: # change priority to default value msg.priority = self.queue_settings[queue]['requeue_prio'] # check if custom requeue prio is set if type(msg.requeue) == int: msg.priority = msg.requeue # unless the requeue limit has been reached if not msg.requeue_limit or msg.requeue_counter < msg.requeue_limit: # requeue the message self.publish(queue=msg.queue, msg_text=msg.message, priority=msg.priority, requeue=msg.requeue, requeue_counter=msg.requeue_counter+1, requeue_limit=msg.requeue_limit, skip_cleaning=True) # then delete the old message file os.remove(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work', msg_filename)) # update the timestamp for when the queue was last cleaned self.update_settings_file(queue, {'cleaned':int(time.time())}) return True
[docs] def clean_all(self): """ Clean all the queues in the root director Args: None Returns: None """'Cleaning all queues') # list all queues for queue in self.list_queues(): # clean the queue self.clean(queue)
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[docs] def list_queues(self): """ Generate a list of all valid queues (subdirectories with ddmq.yaml files in them) in the root folder Args: None Returns: a list of names of valid queues """ log.debug('Getting queue list') queues = [] # list all queues for queue in sorted(os.listdir(self.root)): # skip files if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.root, queue)): continue # save directories that are initiated queues if self.check_dir(os.path.join(self.root, queue)): queues.append(queue) return queues
[docs] def get_message_list(self, queue): """ Gets a list of all messages in the specified queue Args: queue: name of the queue to get messages from Returns: returns 2 lists of file names. The first is the list of all messages still waiting in the queue and the second is a list of all the messages in the queue's work directory """ log.debug('Listing messages in queue {}'.format(queue)) # list all files in queue folder # try: messages = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.root, queue)), '*.ddmq*') # except (FileNotFoundError, OSError) as e: # messages = [] # list all files in queue work folder # try: work_messages = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work')), '*.ddmq*') # except (FileNotFoundError, OSError) as e: # # the work folder is not really needed to be able to publish messages, and a missing work folder will be handled by the consume function if needed # work_messages = [] return messages, work_messages
[docs] def delete_queue(self, queue): """ Delete a specified queue Args: queue: name of the queue to delete Returns: True if everything goes according to plan """'Deleting queue {}'.format(queue)) # gee, don't want to mess this up, do we.. # remove all ddmq files from the work folder if it exists try: for msg in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work')), '*.ddmq*'): os.remove(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work', msg)) # remove the work dir itself os.rmdir(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work')) except (FileNotFoundError, OSError) as e: pass # remove all ddmq files in the queue folder for msg in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.root, queue)), '*.ddmq*'): os.remove(os.path.join(self.root, queue, msg)) # remove the queue settings file if existing try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'ddmq.yaml')) os.remove(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'ddmq.yaml.intermediate')) except (FileNotFoundError, OSError): pass try: os.rmdir(os.path.join(self.root, queue)) except OSError as e: raise OSError('{} Files created outside of ddmq could be in there, aborting deletion.'.format(e)) return True
[docs] def create_queue(self, queue): """ Create a specified queue Args: queue: name of the queue to create Returns: True if everything goes according to plan """'Creating queue {}'.format(queue)) # create the folders a queue needs self.create_folder(os.path.join(self.root, queue)) self.create_folder(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work')) with open(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'ddmq.yaml'), 'w') as fh: fh.write(yaml.dump(self.default_settings, default_flow_style=False)) return True
# def search_queue(self, queue, query): # """ # Search the messages of a specified queue for the query term (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) # Args: # queue: name of the queue to search # query: query to search for # Returns: # a list of all messages matching to query # """ #'Searching {} for "{}"'.format(queue, query)) # return True
[docs] def delete_message(self, path): """ Delete a specified message Args: path: path to the message, or a message object, to be deleted Returns: None """ # check if the path is a message object if path.__class__ == message: # check if the message has been consumed already match ='^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.ddmq[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', path.filename) if match: path = os.path.join(self.root, path.queue, 'work', path.filename) # check if the message has not yet been consumed match ='^\d+\.\d+\.ddmq[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', path.filename) if match: path = os.path.join(self.root, path.queue, 'work', path.filename)'Deleting message {}'.format(path)) # make sure the path follows the ddmq naming scheme match ='^.+(\d+\.)?\d+\.\d+\.ddmq[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', path) if not match: raise ValueError('The specified path ({}) does not look like a ddmq message file name'.format(path)) else: # delete the message os.remove(path) return True
[docs] def purge_queue(self, queue): """ Purge the specified queue of all messages, but keep the queue folders and config file Args: queue: name of the queue to purge Returns: a list of 2 numbers; the first is how many messages still waiting in the queue were deleted, and the second how many messages in the queues work directory that was deleted """'Purging {}'.format(queue)) # init removed = 0 removed_work = 0 # remove all ddmq files from the work folder if it exists try: for msg in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work')), '*.ddmq*'): os.remove(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work', msg)) removed_work += 1 except (FileNotFoundError, OSError) as e: pass # remove all ddmq files in the queue folder for msg in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.root, queue)), '*.ddmq*'): os.remove(os.path.join(self.root, queue, msg)) removed += 1 return removed, removed_work
[docs] def get_message(self, path): """ Get a specified message Args: path: path to the message to fetch Returns: the requested message """ log.debug('Fetching message {}'.format(path)) # load the message from the file with open(path, 'r') as msg_handle: return message.json2msg(json.load(msg_handle))
[docs] def requeue_message(self, path, msg=None): """ Requeue a specified message Args: path: path to the message to requeue Returns: True if everything goes according to plan """ log.debug('Requeuing message {}'.format(path)) # load the message from the file if not msg: msg = self.get_message(path) # load the queue's settings self.get_settings(msg.queue) # requeue if it should be # change priority to default value msg.priority = self.queue_settings[msg.queue]['requeue_prio'] # check if custom requeue prio is set if type(msg.requeue) == int: msg.priority = msg.requeue # requeue the message self.publish(queue=msg.queue, msg_text=msg.message, priority=msg.priority, requeue=msg.requeue, requeue_counter=msg.requeue_counter+1, requeue_limit=msg.requeue_limit, skip_cleaning=True) # then delete the old message file, assumes the message is consumed and located in the work dir os.remove(os.path.join(self.root, msg.queue, 'work', os.path.split(path)[-1])) return True
# def update_message(self, path, update): # """ # Update a specified message (NOT YET IMPLEMETED) # Args: # path: path to the message to be updated # update: a dict containing the changes to be made # Returns: # None # """ # log.debug('Updating message {} in {}'.format(id, queue)) # return True # # ####### ### # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # ### ####### #####
[docs] def check_dir(self, path, only_conf=False): """ Check if the directory contains a ddmq.yaml file to avoid littering non-queue dirs Args: path: path to the directory to check only_conf: if True, only check if the ddmq.yaml file is present. If False, also check that there is a subdirectory called 'work' Returns: None """ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'ddmq.yaml')): # if only the conf file is enough if only_conf: return True # check if there is a work dir too if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, 'work')): return True
[docs] def get_queue_number(self): """ Generate the next incremental queue number for a specified queue (epoch time of creation without the decimal punctuation) Args: None Returns: a string that is the current timestamp, with the decimal punctuation removed """ log.debug('Generating next queue number') return str(time.time()).replace('.', '')
[docs] def create_folder(self, path): """ Create a folder at a specified path Args: path: path to the directory to be created Returns: None """'Creating folder: {}'.format(path)) # it's ok if the folder already exists try: os.mkdir(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise pass
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[docs] def publish(self, queue, msg_text=None, priority=None, skip_cleaning=True, requeue=True, requeue_prio=None, timeout=None, requeue_counter=0, requeue_limit=None): """ Publish a message to a queue Args: queue: name of the queue to publish to msg_text: the actual message priority: the priority of the message (default 999). Lower number means higher priority when processing skip_cleaning: if False, the client will first clean out any expired messages from the queue's work directory. If True, the client will just publish the message right away and not bother doing any cleaning first (faster). requeue: if True, the message will be requeud after it expires. If False it will just be deleted. requeue_prio: if set (int), the message will get this priority when requeued. Default is 0, meaning requeued messages will be put first in the queue. timeout: if set (int), will override the global and queue specific default setting for how many seconds a message expires after. Returns: a copy of the message published """'Publishing message to {}'.format(queue)) # load the queue's settings try: self.get_settings(queue) except (FileNotFoundError, IOError): # create the queue if asked to if self.create: self.create_queue(queue) self.get_settings(queue) # clean the queue unless asked not to if not skip_cleaning: self.clean(queue) # if no message is given, set it to an empty string if not msg_text: msg_text = '' # check if priority is not set if not priority: priority = self.queue_settings[queue]['priority'] # if it is set, make sure it't not negative else: if priority < 0: raise ValueError('Warning, priority set to less than 0 (priority={}). Negative numbers will be sorted in the wrong order when working with messages.'.format(priority)) # check if requeue prio is set and send that value if it is if requeue_prio: requeue = requeue_prio # init a new message object msg = message(message=msg_text, queue=queue, priority=priority, requeue=requeue, timeout=timeout, requeue_counter=requeue_counter, requeue_limit=requeue_limit) # get the next queue number msg.queue_number = self.get_queue_number() # generate message id = uuid.uuid4().hex msg.filename = os.path.join('{}.{}.ddmq{}'.format(msg.priority, msg.queue_number, # write the message to file msg_filepath = os.path.join(self.root, queue, msg.filename) with open(msg_filepath, 'w') as message_file: message_file.write(msg.msg2json()) return msg
[docs] def consume(self, queue, n=1, skip_cleaning=False, path=None): """ Consume 1 (or more) messages from a specified queue. The consumed messages will be moved to the queues work folder and have the expiry epoch time prepended to the file name. Args: queue: name of the queue to consume from n: the number (int) of messages to consume skip_cleaning: if False, the client will first clean out any expired messages from the queue's work directory. If True, the client will just consume the message(s) right away and not bother doing any cleaning first (faster) path: specified path to message file to consume, instead of fetching the next message in line Returns: a single message object if n=1 (default), or a list of the messages that were fetched if n > 1 """'Consuming {} message(s) from {}'.format(n, queue)) # load the queue's settings try: self.get_settings(queue) except (FileNotFoundError, IOError): # create the queue if asked to if self.create: self.create_queue(queue) self.get_settings(queue) # clean the queue unless asked not to if not skip_cleaning: self.clean(queue) # set default value if missing if not n: n = 1 # init restored_messages = [] # fetch a specified message if asked to if path: msg_files = [path] else: # list all ddmq files in queue folder try: msg_files = sorted(fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.root, queue)), '*.ddmq*'))[:n] except (FileNotFoundError, OSError) as e: raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to read from the queue folder: {}".format(os.path.join(self.root, queue))) for msg_filename in msg_files: # construct the path to the file msg_filepath = os.path.join(self.root, queue, msg_filename) try: # Tracer()() # load the message from the file with open(msg_filepath, 'r') as msg_handle: msg = message.json2msg(json.load(msg_handle)) except (FileNotFoundError, IOError) as e: # race conditions could cause files being removed since the listdir was run print("Warning: while consuming, the message file {} was missing. This could be due to another process operating on the queue at the same time. It should be pretty rare, so if it happens often it could be some other problem causing it.".format(msg_filepath)) continue # create the new path to the file in the work folder if msg.timeout: message_timeout = int(time.time()) + msg.timeout else: message_timeout = int(time.time()) + self.queue_settings[queue]['message_timeout'] # move to the work folder, adding the message expiry time to the file name msg_work_path = os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work', '{}.{}'.format(message_timeout, msg_filename)) os.rename(msg_filepath, msg_work_path) msg.filename = os.path.split(msg_work_path)[1] # save msg restored_messages.append(msg) # return depending on how many messages are collected if len(restored_messages) == 0: return None # if only one message was requested elif n == 1: return restored_messages[0] # if more than one was requested, return a list of messages regardless of its length (even if only 1) else: return restored_messages
[docs] def nack(self, queue, msg_files=None, requeue=False, skip_cleaning=False): """ Negative acknowledgement of message(s) Args: queue: name of the queue the files are in, or the message object to be nacked msg_files: either a single path or a list of paths to message(s) to nack requeue: True will force message(s) to be requeued, False will force messages to be purged, None (default) will leave it up to the message itself if it should be requeued or not skip_cleaning: if False, the client will first clean out any expired messages from the queue's work directory. If True, the client will just nack the message(s) right away and not bother doing any cleaning first (faster). Returns: True if everything goes according to plan """ # check if the queue is actually a message object if queue.__class__ == message: # extract message info msg_files = queue.filename queue = queue.queue # clean the queue unless asked not to if not skip_cleaning: self.clean(queue) # load the queue's settings self.get_settings(queue) # convert single message to a list if needed if type(msg_files) != list: msg_files = [msg_files] # for each message to process nacked = [] for msg_file in msg_files: msg_path = os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work', msg_file) # check if the file exists if not os.path.isfile(msg_path): print("Warning: message file missing, {}".format(msg_path)) continue # let the options in this function call override the ones in the message if requeue is None: # if it is up to the message if it should be requeued or not msg = self.get_message(msg_path) if msg.requeue: requeue = msg.requeue else: # else the queue options decide requeue = queue.requeue # if it should be requeued if requeue: self.requeue_message(msg_path) # if neither the function call, the message itself, or the queue has specified what to do with nacked messages, just remove it by letting it fall into the else statement below # elif requeue is None: # pass # if not, remove the nacknowledged message else: # assumes the message is consumed and located in the work dir try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work', msg_file)) except (FileNotFoundError, OSError) as e: # race conditions could cause files being removed since the listdir was run print("Warning: while nacking, message file {} was missing. This could be due to another process operating on the queue at the same time. It should be pretty rare, so if it happens often it could be some other problem causing it.".format(msg_path)) continue nacked.append(msg_file) return nacked
[docs] def ack(self, queue, msg_files=None, requeue=False, skip_cleaning=False): """ Positive acknowledgement of message(s) Args: queue: name of the queue the files are in, or the message object to be acked msg_files: either a single path or a list of paths to message(s) to ack requeue: True will force message(s) to be requeued, False will force messages to be purged, None (default) will leave it up to the message itself if it should be requeued or not skip_cleaning: if False, the client will first clean out any expired messages from the queue's work directory. If True, the client will just ack the message(s) right away and not bother doing any cleaning first (faster). Returns: a list of file names of all messages acknowledged """ # check if the queue is actually a message object if queue.__class__ == message: # let the options in this function call override the ones in the message if requeue is None: requeue = queue.requeue # extract message info msg_files = queue.filename queue = queue.queue # check that there are message files if not msg_files: raise ValueError('Message files list is empty.') # convert single message to a list if needed if type(msg_files) != list: msg_files = [msg_files] # for each message to process acked = [] for msg_file in msg_files: # construct the path to the message file msg_path = os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work', msg_file) # check if the file exists if not os.path.isfile(msg_path): print("Warning: message file missing, {}".format(msg_path)) continue # if it should be requeued if requeue: self.requeue_message(msg_path) # if not, remove the acknowledged message else: # assumes the message is consumed and located in the work dir try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.root, queue, 'work', msg_file)) except (FileNotFoundError, OSError) as e: # race conditions could cause files being removed since the listdir was run print("Warning: while acking, message file {} was missing. This could be due to another process operating on the queue at the same time. It should be pretty rare, so if it happens often it could be some other problem causing it.".format(msg_path)) continue acked.append(msg_file) return acked
[docs] def version(self): """ Get package version Args: None Returns: the package version """ return version